Discussion questions

  • When you read the story, what choices seemed to matter the most?
  • Was your first instinct to try to fix things, or unleash your inner supervillain? Why?
  • What feelings came up for you? Why?
  • In reality, who’s making choices about the world’s response to the climate emergency? Why do you think they’re making the choices they’re making?
  • How do normal people who care about the world convince powerful people to make different choices?
  • What will climate change look like in your hometown? How might it affect your local economy, environment, politics and communities?
  • Have you already directly experienced one of the effects of climate change?
  • How are you already seeing people in your community adapting to the effects of climate change? What are some adaptations you might expect to see in the future? What are the consequences of those adaptations?

  • What do you think this story gets wrong? (We’d love to hear your thoughts: hello@survivethecentury.net)
  • Did the fictional articles help make some potential climate choices feel more plausible?
  • What did you learn about how the changing climate might impact society, politics, technology, the economy, and vice versa?
  • What are some positive side effects that could come out of the world’s response to the climate emergency?
  • Let yourself be optimistic about politics for a moment. Imagine that the world makes all the positive changes you hope for and we’re living in the best version of 2100 that you can imagine. What would you love about being part of that future?
  • Will anyone benefit from global warming?
  • What are the reasons to be hopeful about the future?
  • What actions can you take today, in the real world, to be part of building the future you want?