The News
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3 January 2030
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Chevron CEO faces life imprisonment for ecocide
Landmark ruling finds executive’s actions were premeditated in first test case for new ecocide laws
Other stories today
“We tackled Covid, now let’s defeat Malaria”: Countries agree to keep contributing one per cent of GDP to tackle global health priorities
Revitalization of small-town economies and affordable housing: 20-somethings can afford to buy their own homes
Successful test of Great Barrier Reef corals relocated to Tasman Sea
California passes ban on selling and trading animal products: Boom in illicit underground meat restaurants Read more
First-ever Category-6 cyclone in the southern hemisphere devastates Mozambique
Global ban on tropical deforestation leads to revival of orangutan population
People in India can see the Himalayas for the first time in years as air pollution clears