The News
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3 January 2040
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Lagos’s living buildings win Eco-Innovation of the Year prize
Inspired by indigenous building methods, bacteria-filled walls trap carbon and heal themselves when damaged
Other stories today
Third consecutive year of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions mean we’re on track to reach peak temperature within next decade, say very relieved climate scientists
Southern Florida rewilding project launched as extreme events make the region uninhabitable (for all but Florida men)
Wangari Maathai Institute launches virtual university, offers training in eco-feminist natural resource management
Indian Ocean and Pacific islanders resettled in new host countries as sea ice melts and oceans rise
Saudi Arabian women overthrow the monarchy as eco-utopian movement sweeps across Middle East
Nigella Lawson, age 79, issues cookbook with grow-your-own meat recipes
Translocated polar bear colony decimates penguins in West Antarctic: Polar bear obesity becoming a real problem